What do you call something that's not exactly therapy, not exactly a course, not exactly a support group, but kind of has elements of all three?

This isn't a joke with a punchline. I don't actually know what you call it, but I think I'm starting one anyway.

Here's the truth about what's been going on:

The last few months, I've been fielding more messages and calls than I can responsibly handle in the way of questions, new clients and invitations to speak. While I'm very grateful for the opportunities, I feel bad having to say no, disorganized about managing the volume, and frustrated at not having more hours available. Many of my colleagues just hire on associates for their practices when their caseloads outgrow their calendars. I've looked into this option in the past, but decided that's not the direction I want to take, at least not at the moment. Some therapists refer out, and/or start a wait list, and I've been doing both.

But there's something else I've been considering. After writing my book, Find Your Horizon of Healthy Thinking, I kept thinking I wanted to offer the content as an interactive program in proactive mental wellness, demonstrating how to apply the technique to real situations and humans. But then I just got busy with other projects. Finally, I decided that maybe this is a way I can offer value to a larger number of people. It's not as intensive as private therapy (nor is it meant to replace it) but it is much more affordable, and has therapeutic and social benefits. 

Like most of my content, it's not for everyone. If you think this program might be a good fit for you, feel free to have a look at the introductory info. The first session meets Sunday, February 7th at 9pm EST, so you'll want to join by then. HERE IS THE INFO

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Elisheva Liss, LMFT is a psychotherapist in private practice. Her book, Find Your Horizon of Healthy Thinking, is available on Amazon.com. She can be reached for sessions or speaking engagements at speaktosomeone@gmail.com More of her content can be found at ElishevaLiss.com