The last few weeks  have been gut wrenching and heartbreaking . The family has rallied around, children, grandchildren , nieces, nephews, coming and going. 
All arrived from different locations to one destination. All flock together as one, all moved towards home base, to the source of kedusha. 
 Most of us are still shocked, still numb. My mother in law, our Imah, so wanted to live and continue her work. She fought valiantly to the end. But as Rabbi Yisroel, so movingly mentioned at the hesped,  Hashem had other plans, Hashem wanted the tzadikim in shamayim, before moshiach comes.
 I find myself in tears at random times in the day. The crushing thought,  I can't call Imah to daven for us. Whenever we needed tefilos that was our phone call, it took such a burden off our shoulders ( I didn't just have to depend on my own tefilos)
I recall many years ago, when leaving to the hospital to give birth to my first born, I did not want to call any of the parents.  I did not to worry them, and was concerned about having them wait anxiously for the news. 
Afterward, I remember how the Rebbetzin, my Imah, gently chided me, "Shaynekeit, you must always call right away, so I can daven for you and the kinderlach. We need Hashem to hear our Tefilas, we must shake the heavens and ask the zeydas and bubbas to daven for us. 
 I learned my lesson well and from then on, never forgot to call Imah for her precious tefilos. It didn't matter whether a child was starting pre school or needed to get into a new school, whether it was for a shidduch , or even a Bracha for success at a new job .... Nothing was too small, nothing was too great .
 Imah, bubbah, the Rebbetzin was a role model for all of us. She taught us how to daven and she taught us the meaning and importance of tefilos . 
My greatest comfort now is that Imah, the Rebbetzin has joined with our Zeydas and Bubbas to storm the heavens for the entire  family, Hineni, and all of klal Yisroel .