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Judicial and Rabbinic Fallibility and Infallibility Bava Basra 32 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 26th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses certain situations where the Rabbis of the Bais Din do not overturn a ruling when later evidence and new doubts arise over the original testimony. Simply put, once there is a verdict, the burden of proof to overturn the evidence is much higher. After a legal matter was decided, the “greater good” value of preserving the courts’ popular authority trumps the need to review prior evidence. This is …
The Kuzari Principle Re-Visited Bava Basra 31 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 26th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the legal disposition of two sets of witnesses who cancel each other out, essentially, mutually discrediting the other’s testimony. The reasoning is as follows: Since at least one of them must be lying, thereby due to the conservative nature of law, we cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of both testimonies.   Malbim (Bamidbar 16:28) uses this legal distinction to explain Moshe’s atypical r …
The Exceptional Case of Rav Avraham Danzig Bava Basra 30 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 25th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph recognizes that it is a valid argument for a claimant to maintain he was unaware someone was occupying his land due to him being preoccupied at the market, and was engaged in intense business and trade.    This brings to mind an inspirational historical fact about one the most respected poskim of Jewish history. Rav Avraham Danzig (1748-1820) authored numerous works, most famously his Chayye Adam and Chochmas Ad …
Preoccupations Bava Basra 29 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 24th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud aleph discusses that the presumption of ownership established via occupation over three years must be consecutive, and not interrupted by any time of non-occupation.    Sefer Daf al Daf uses this idea to explain a verse more deeply. Regarding the obligations to tithe produce, the verse states (Devarim 14:28):   מקצה שלש שנים תוציא את־כל־מעשר תבואתך בשנה ההוא והנחת בש …
Occupied Territories Bava Basra 28 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 23rd, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis discusses the ruling that testimony that one occupied a field or home for three years consecutively without any claims, it establishes a presumption of ownership. Yet this chazakah is only used to support a valid claim, such as, “I purchased this land many years ago and lost the bill of sale.” But if he makes no claim other than he occupied it with no challenges, even if he had testimony that he lived there for …
Insurrection Bava Basra 27 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 22nd, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis discusses the famous lomdishe concept of Bereira. Bereira is the idea of retroactive designation. For example, say you have a barrel of untithed wine, and you designate the last ounces to be Terumah, without actually separating them. The wine is now a combined mix of sacred Terumah and Chulin, but if one allows for Bereira, then the initial act of declaring the tithe falls on whatever ounces of wine are left at the end of …
Jewish Environmentalism Bava Basra 26 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 21st, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the prohibition of cutting down a fruit bearing tree. This is a matter that is taken seriously, and the Gemara even relates a story about someone who died, apparently from the spiritual backlash of this destructive act.
Rabbenu Yonah (Shaarey Teshuva 3:82) says this prohibition extends to any wasteful or destructive act, and warns to not even waste a penny. While this commandment is common sense and basic …
You Can Take The Bachur Out Of The Yeshiva, But You Can’t Take The Yeshiva Out Of The Bachur Bava Basra 25
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 19th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis offers segulos for wisdom and wealth:
אמר רבי יצחק: הרוצה שיחכים – ידרים, ושיעשיר – יצפין, וסימניך: שלחן בצפון ומנורה בדרום. ורבי יהושע בן לוי אמר: לעולם ידרים, שמתוך שמתחכם מתעשר – שנאמר: ארך ימים בימינה, בשמאלה עשר וכבוד״.
Rabbi Yitzḥak says: One who …
Homing Pigeons Bava Basra 24 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 19th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the habits of a chick-dove that does not fly, and merely hops, in that it will not stray further than line-of-sight to its nest. This has implications to determining its origin and ownership if it is found nearby.
The Torah uses a nest as a metaphor for being in Hashem’s embrace as is stated in Devarim (32:6):
הלוא־הוא אביך קנך הוא עשך ויכננך
Is not this the Fat …
Highly Sensitive Persons Bava Basra 23 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 18th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us about Rav Yosef, one of the most respected sages of the Talmud, who describes himself as more sensitive than typical. This has halachic implications for what types of nuisances and pollution his neighbors must remove. In a different Gemara (Succah 29a), Rav Yosef’s sensitivity also has implications on when he is exempted from the mitzvah of Succah, with a lower threshold of tolerance for discomfort than oth …
Healthy and Unhealthy Competition Bava Basra 22 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 17th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses ways in which the usual rabbinic market protections do not apply to teachers of Torah, thus one melamed cannot object to another encroaching on his territory. The reason is that competition makes for better education. The Gemara’s wording is more broad, suggesting a larger application:
קנאת סופרים תרבה חכמה.
Jealousy among teachers increases wisdom
This is taken as a bro …
The Anti-Avraham Bava Basra 21 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 16th, 2024

  Our Gemara on Amud Aleph offers ancient wisdom and ideas regarding pedagogy of young school children:   אמר ליה רב לרב שמואל בר שילת: עד שית לא תקביל, מכאן ואילך – קביל, ואספי ליה כתורא. ואמר ליה רב לרב שמואל בר שילת: כי מחית לינוקא, לא תימחי אלא בערקתא דמסנא. דקארי – קארי, דלא קארי – ל …
The Power of Innocent Torah Bava Basra 20 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 15th, 2024

Our Mishna on Amud Beis discusses that though one may object to a neighbor opening a store in a residential courtyard, if the neighbor teaches Torah to children he is allowed to do so despite the traffic and noise pollution.    Our sages had much to say about the value of young children learning Torah. The Gemara Shabbos (119b) famously states:   אמר ריש לקיש משום רבי יהודה נשיאה: אין העולם מתק …
Charity Begins in the Uterus Bava Basra 18 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 12th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph discusses the damage that mustard might cause to a nearby beehive, and the various liabilities that neighbors have toward each other:   “One must likewise distance mustard from bees that are in a neighbor’s field.”   Rashi explains that the mustard is sharp and that taste causes the bees to seek out a sweet taste afterward, inducing them to consume their own honey. Which is, of course, a loss o …
Tasteless Sin Bava Basra 17!Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 12th, 2024

Our Gemara at the end of 16b and beginning 17a teaches us that certain great tzaddikim were able to get a taste of the World to Come, while still alive on this earth. One of these righteous persons was our forefather, Yaakov.   Be’er Mayyim Chaim (Bereishis 32:33) expands on this concept with an interesting take in regard to the ancient Jewish custom and prohibition of not eating the sciatic nerve.   After Yaakov’s mostly su …
No One Dies From A Question Bava Basra 16 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 11th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph discusses some of Iyov’s complaints and confusion regarding his seemingly undeserved suffering and calamities:   “The earth is given into the hand of the wicked, he covers the faces of its judges; if not he, then who is it?” (Job 9:24). Rava says: Job sought to turn the bowl upside down, that is to say, he alluded here to a heretical thought, as he said that the earth is given into the hand of the w …
The Toxic Trait of Defensiveness Bava Basra 15 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 10th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud beis laments the sad state of affairs during the Biblical Era of the Judges   And further, with regard to Rabbi Elazar’s statement in the baraisa that the generation of the judging of the Judges was one of vanity, Rabbi Yoḥanan says: What is the meaning of that which is written: “And it happened in the days of the judging of the Judges” (Ruth 1:1)? This indicates a generation that judged its judges. If …
A Healthy And Whole Person Is In Touch With His Broken Parts Bava Basra 14 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 9th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud beis tells us about the contents of the Holy Ark:    “Both the second set of tablets and the broken pieces of the first set of tablets were placed in the Ark.”   Why keep the broken tablets in the Ark?  What prominence and lesson do they hold? Tiferes Shlomo (Sha’ar Hatefila) explains, based on a Zohar (III:283a), that the human heart has two chambers.  One chamber represents the aspec …
Allowing Yourself to Receive Bava Basra 13 Psychology of the Daf
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 8th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud beis discusses the legal position of Raban Shimon ben Gamliel regarding the splitting of a courtyard that was held in partnership but it is too small to divide in half and still retain its function or description, such as each part would be less than four cubits:   If a courtyard or the like was not large enough to warrant division into two, and one of the co-owners said to the other: You take a minimum measure of the cour …
Environmental Impact Study Bava Basra 12 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 7th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the status of a former doorway that was sealed, and at what point is it considered fully sealed with no remnant.  There can be many halachic implications, such as if the door still requires a mezuzah, or if the rights to a loading and unloading area are forfeited to the other occupants of the area.   There is an interesting mystical concern about closing doorways and windows, asserted by Sefer Chasidim …
Truth Will Spring Out Of The Earth Bava Basra 11 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 5th, 2024

Continuing the discussion about the power of tzedakah, our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us about a Gentile king who flouted his family’s hoarding of wealth, and instead donated his assets to charity.    תנו רבנן: מעשה במונבז המלך, שבזבז אוצרותיו ואוצרות אבותיו בשני בצורת, וחברו עליו אחיו ובית אביו, ואמרו לו: אבותיך גנזו והוסיפו על …
Morality as Choice Bava Basra 10 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 5th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph records an important theological discussion about the nature of God and Man, and why God leaves certain aspects of civilization in the hands of man to correct and protect;   תניא: היה רבי מאיר אומר, יש לו לבעל הדין להשיבך ולומר לך: אם אלהיכם אוהב עניים הוא, מפני מה אינו מפרנסן? אמור לו: כדי שניצול אנו בהן מדינה ש …
Every Yiddle Bit Bava Basra 9 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 4th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis extols the virtue and impact of even small amounts of tzedakah:   Rabbi Elazar: What is the meaning of that which is written: “And He donned charity like a coat of plated armor” (Isaiah 59:17)? This verse serves to tell you that just as with regard to a coat of armor, each and every scale of which it is fashioned combines to form one large coat of mail, so too with regard to charity, each and every peruta …
The Atheist who is a Masmid Bava Basra 8 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 3rd, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph continues to discuss the protective power of Torah study:   אדנביאי – דכתיב: ״גם כי יתנו בגוים עתה אקבצם, ויחלו מעט ממשא מלך ושרים״ – אמר עולא: פסוק זה בלשון ארמית נאמר: ״אי תנו״ כולהו – ״עתה אקבצם״, ואם ״מעט״ מהם – ״יחלו ממשא מלך ושרים״.   And you have tran …
Stages of Moral Development Bava Basra 7 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 2nd, 2024

In our Gemara on Amud Beis, Reish Lakish offers a proof text that sages benefit from a divine shield and watchtower protecting them:   “I am a wall and my breasts are like towers” (Song of Songs 8:10), which may be explained as follows: “I am a wall”; this is referring to the Torah. “And my breasts are like towers. These are Torah scholars, who are as towers, and do not require additional protection.” &nbs …
Red-Handed Rationalizations Bava Basra 6 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
July 1st, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis describes various partitions between two yards and their function. One of them is known as misepas, which can be a barrier, only ten handbreadths high, and a smaller barrier, even less than ten handbreadths. Both small partitions are ineffective in keeping out intruders or line of sight, but the taller one is big enough that a trespasser cannot innocently claim he didn’t realize he was on private property. This has c …
The Imagined Achievement Becomes a Substitute for Actual Achievement Bava Basra 5 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 30th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph discusses what legal assumptions can be made when a borrower claims to have paid back a loan, but the lender refuses.    גְּמָ׳ אָמַר רֵישׁ לָקִישׁ: הַקּוֹבֵעַ זְמַן לַחֲבֵירוֹ, וְאָמַר לוֹ: ״פְּרַעְתִּיךָ בְּתוֹךְ זְמַנִּי״ – אֵינוֹ נֶאֱמָן; וּלְוַאי שֶׁיִּפְרַע בִּזְמַנּוֹ. …
Getting Boxed into Marriage Bava Basra 4 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 28th, 2024

Our Gemaraq on amud aleph discusses financial responsibilities when someone with a bordering property builds a fence that will benefit the other person as well, since the back of the fence will also protect the other property:   הַמַּקִּיף אֶת חֲבֵירוֹ מִשָּׁלֹשׁ רוּחוֹתָיו, וְגָדַר אֶת הָרִאשׁוֹנָה וְאֶת הַשְּׁנִיָּה וְאֶת הַשְּׁלִישִׁית &ndas …
Fun Leydike Feser Iz Der Lyarem Greser Bava Basra 3 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 28th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud aleph records a declaration about the second Temple, as compared to the Temple, based on a verse in Chaggai (2:9) :   גָּד֣וֹל יִֽהְיֶ֡ה כְּבוֹד֩ הַבַּ֨יִת הַזֶּ֤ה הָאַֽחֲרוֹן֙ מִן־הָ֣רִאשׁ֔וֹן אָמַ֖ר ה׳   The glory of this latter House shall be greater than that of the former one, said GOD of Hosts   The Chasam Sofer (Derashos page 328) …
Fiddler on the Wall Bava Basra 2 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 27th, 2024

  Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the rights and responsibilities of partners who share a yard, and intend to construct a partition between them:   הַשּׁוּתָּפִין שֶׁרָצוּ לַעֲשׂוֹת מְחִיצָה בְּחָצֵר – בּוֹנִין אֶת הַכּוֹתֶל בְּאֶמְצַע. מָקוֹם שֶׁנָּהֲגוּ לִבְנוֹת גְּוִיל, גָּזִית, כְּפִיסִין, לְבֵי …
A Whole and One Bava Metzia 119 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 26th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph (and the previous daf) discusses how ownership is determined for produce that grows on the side of a ledge, where the top is a garden owned by one person, and the bottom is owned by another. What is the status of those vegetables that grow on the vertical surface between them?   מַתְנִי׳ שְׁתֵּי גַּנּוֹת זוֹ עַל גַּב זוֹ, וְהַיָּרָק בֵּינְתַיִם. רַבִּי מ …
Love at First Sight Bava Metzia 118 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 25th, 2024

Love at First Sight   Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the possibility that even viewing certain ownerless items, with the intent to possess them, effects a binding acquisition.   Rav Shlomo Kluger (Chachmas Torah, Vayetze) asks, The sages teach, one who is without a woman, is without Torah (Yevamos 62b). If so, how could Yaakov maintain that he was observant of all the mitzvos while he was at Lavan’s house (see Rashi Bereishis …
Trickle Down Theory Bava Metzia 117 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 24th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses liabilities between the upper floor residents and the lower floor residents of a home:   הָנְהוּ בֵּי תְרֵי דַּהֲווֹ דָּיְירִי, חַד עִילַּאי וְחַד תַּתַּאי. אִיפְּחִית מַעֲזִיבָה. כִּי מָשֵׁי מַיָּא, עִילַּאי אָזְלִי וּמַזְּקִי לְתַתַּאי. מִי מְתַקֵּן? רַבִּי חִי …
The Doctrine of the Descent of the Tzaddik Bava Metzia 116 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 23rd, 2024

  Our Mishna on Amud Beis describes the halachic status of a renter who lives in the attic and what are his rights should it become uninhabitable, such as a caved-in floor:   מַתְנִי׳ הַבַּיִת וְהָעֲלִיָּיה. נִפְחֲתָה הָעֲלִיָּיה, וְאֵין בַּעַל הַבַּיִת רוֹצֶה לְתַקֵּן – הֲרֵי בַּעַל הָעֲלִיָּיה יוֹרֵד וְדָר לְמַ …
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Bava Metzia 115 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 21st, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph quotes a series of verses in Mishle (6:1-3) that warn of the dangers of becoming a co-signer on a loan indiscriminately:   בְּ֭נִי אִם־עָרַ֣בְתָּ לְרֵעֶ֑ךָ תָּקַ֖עְתָּ לַזָּ֣ר כַּפֶּֽיךָ׃    My son, if you have become a co-signer for your fellow, Given your hand for another,    נוֹקַ֥שְׁתָּ בְאִמְרֵי־פִ֑יךָ נִ …
Spiritual Backlash Bava Metzia 114 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 21st, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph and beis discusses an encounter between Rabbah bar Avuha and Elijah the prophet:   אַשְׁכְּחֵיהּ רַבָּה בַּר אֲבוּהּ לְאֵלִיָּהוּ דְּקָאֵי בְּבֵית הַקְּבָרוֹת שֶׁל גּוֹיִם, אֲמַר לֵיהּ: מַהוּ שֶׁיְּסַדְּרוּ בְּבַעַל חוֹב? אֲמַר לֵיהּ: גָּמַר ״מִיכָה״ ״מִיכָה״ מֵעֲ …
Sitting is the New Smoking Bava Metzia 113 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 20th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud beis relates medical advice from the great Amora and physician Shmuel, and one of the practices that he considers to be in the top three of irreparable bodily harm is to “Eat bread and not walk four cubits afterward.” Rashi adds that this warning is in regard to going to sleep right after eating without walking a bit. There are some technical contradictions between Shmuel’s advice and the Rambam’s medica …
Is There Such a Thing as an Easy Mitzvah? Bava Metzia 112 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 19th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud beis makes a linguistic observation in regard to a teaching that referred to “great halachos”.  The Gemara  comments that if they are described as “great”, there must also be halachos that are considered minor, which it finds odd, since can any halacha be considered small?  Therefore, the Gemara rejects and revises the text of that teaching.    But we must ask ourselves, on a pra …
Is There Morality Without God? Bava Metzia 111 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 18th, 2024

Our Gemara on amud aleph discusses the wage payment obligation toward a Ger Toshav, which is often defined as a gentile that commits to follow the Seven Noachide Laws.    גֵּר תּוֹשָׁב יֵשׁ בּוֹ מִשּׁוּם ״בְּיוֹמוֹ תִּתֵּן שְׂכָרוֹ״, וְאֵין בּוֹ מִשּׁוּם ״לֹא תָלִין פְּעוּלַּת שָׂכִיר אִתְּךָ עַד בֹּקֶר״.   One who hi …
Do Away With the Middleman Bava Metzia 110 Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
June 17th, 2024

Our Gemara on Amud Beis discusses an interesting exemption to the rule that one must pay workers promptly (by sunset or sunrise of the day or evening that the work was completed, subject to certain conditions. See Ahavas Chessed, Laws of Payments of Wages, 1:9.): תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: הָאוֹמֵר לַחֲבֵירוֹ צֵא שְׂכוֹר לִי פּוֹעֲלִים – שְׁנֵיהֶן אֵין עוֹבְרִין מִשּׁו …
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2021Abandonmentabuseaddiction recoveryAdolescent DevelopmentAgingAharonAlcoholAmerican FlagAnxietyanxiety reliefanxiety-trauma-parts-workattachmentattachment theoryBar MitzvahBereavementBereishitbodyBody Imageboundariesbruisechannukachild developmentchild sexual abusechild sexual abuse preventionChildrenChoosingchronic illnessComplex traumacomputersconfidenceconnectionControlcoronaviruscounselingcrazyCreatingdepressiondesireDisabilitydissociationDivineemdremotional neglectemotionsfamilyfamily dramafamily of originfamily-of-originfathersfive townsfive-towns-anxiety-trauma-therapyfive-towns-parenting-anxiety-trauma-therapyforgivenessfriendsfuturegaslightgaslightingGenuinenessgodgood peoplegriefGrief SuppoetGrief SupportGrief UnderstandingGrief UndesrstandingGriefSupportGriefUndesrstandingGriefUndesrstandingndingheal childhood traumahealinghealthholidayholinessholocaustifsinner child woundsInsularityInternetIntimacyjJewish educationJewish Link April 8jewish recovery optionskidKiddush Hashemkidskosher recoveryKugelLashon Haralife is a testlife lessonslisteninglong islandlosslovemarriageMemorial Daymental healthModelingmothersMothers Daymourningnewnew yorkNicotinenormalObject RelationsOutreachownershipParah AdumahParentingParshaparts workpassionpassoverPersonhood of victimspirkei avosPoliticspreventionpsychologyptsdRaceRandom violenceRebbetzin JungriesRegardrelationshiprelationshipsRepetition compulsionResponsibilityRETIREMENTReverenceseasonal affective disorderself-helpSexual abuseSexual traumasexualitySexusl abuseShabbatskunkssomaticsubstance abuseSummersupervisionsupportsurvival strategiesteachersteachingtechnologytelehealthtesttherapisttherapytipsTorahtrans-generational healingtraumatrauma healingtrauma therapytrauma treatmentTzeddakahVapingvirtualWealthwinterYaakovyeshivahYom Yerushalayimyork

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