Celebrations will bring a different kind energy to people. There is a certain happiness circulating and you feel it. Shabbos, Yom tovim, weddings etc. bring a feeling of togetherness with family and friends. Unfortunately, there are those that dread these times and they are not alone. For the purpose of this article, I am referring to those who do feel that high.

Purim just ended. It is this morning after waking up from your hangover and 24 hours of running around to catch all the people you prepared shaloch manos for, that you will feel an emptiness. You may not realize at the time but there could be a slight feeling creeping up that just feels different then yesterday. Today, you are left with yourself. There is no scrambling around to get anywhere, besides the house cleaned up. The closest you can get to the feeling of yesterday is looking at pictures, sharing on social media as well and eating junk food which you will later regret.

This is a good time to focus on yourself. The cheesy line, if you were on an island… has something to it. What would make you happy if you were alone? How can you validate your own feelings without being dependent on external stimuli? What is something that gives you internal satisfaction? Is your talent singing, art, sports or fashion? If you don’t know that is okay but now is the time to use that “energy” to focus on something positive. Sit with yourself to see what makes you truly happy!


Zahavah Fishfeld, LMHC is a licensed therapist who focuses on relationships, self-esteem and self growth. She offers a phone consultation as well as sessions in person and through video. Her offices are located in Flatbush and Crown Heights.  She can be reached at 845-596-1321 and  zahavahsel@gmail.com.