Making Conscious Decisions 

Shabbos 132

for Video Shiur click here to listen:  Psychology of the DAF Shabbos 132


 מִילָה דּוֹחָה אֶת הַצָּרַעַת, מַאי טַעְמָא? דְּאָתֵי עֲשֵׂה וְדָחֵי לֹא תַעֲשֶׂה.

Initially the tanna thought that circumcision overrides leprosy. What is the reason for this? He relied on the principle that a positive mitzva comes and overrides a negative mitzva. 


The sevara of aseh docheh lo sasaseh: Why do we say that a positive commandment overrides a negative one? Example Tzitzis made with wool techeles on linen garment. Aseh overrides the prohibition of shaatnez.

It would seem that a negative commandment can be understood as a general directive because no is almost always more broad. While a positive command is about a specific objective to accomplish and achieve a certain benefit. Therefore the standing assumption is that עשה דוחה לא תעשה unless otherwise indicated. Example, don’t have salty foods. Today is your birthday eat salty foods. Or, don’t touch things lying in the street. Can you please pick up that wrapper and throw it in the garbage?

We learn about “no” early in life. We define ourselves by what DONT want early in life because it’s easier to know what we dislike and do not want than to identify exactly what we DO want. Just like it’s easier To find fault and complain instead of coming up with a plan and a solution. 

Reflecting on the power of ownership of life and doing things for good reason

What do you want to do and go after in your life?

Consider why this important to you? What values does it speak for ?

Define your success based on sticking to a plan And following your values, NOT the outcome. You cannot control the outcome, So you should not measure your success based on that. You can plan and stick to your plan, so that is your success. If the plan does not achieve the expected result, revise it but you are not a failure for sticking to the plan. 

Example:  Success is studying for a test or working on a project such as finding a job for  The amount of time that you feel is necessary and within your ability  and NOT the grade or if you get the job. 

for Video Shiur click here to listen:  Psychology of the DAF Shabbos 132

Photo by Matteo Maretto on Unsplash

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria

Translations Courtesy of Sefaria, except when, sometimes, I disagree with the translation cool

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