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Showing Results 1161 - 1200 (1798 total)
Moed Kattan 15 Resilience After Trauma Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 26th, 2022

Our Gemara tells us that an Avel is forbidden to bathe. The Ritva (“Vayenachem”) asks, do we not see that King David bathed after the death of his son? When did this occur? The story that unfolds in Shmuel II:12 is that after the incident of King David and Batsheva, the prophet Nosson rebukes him. Though David Hamelech repented he still was told that the son born from Bat Sheva will die (verse 14.) The child became Ill and David Hamel …
Moed Kattan 14 Release from Hard Labor Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 25th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us that an infant born with a lot of hair may cut it on Chol HaMoed. This is because it is analogous to the person released from prison who also is allowed to get a haircut since he had no ability to do so before Yom Tov. The Gemara rhetorically asks, who could be more imprisoned than a child in the womb? That is, of course he is not free to get a haircut in utero.   This Gemara provides a peshat for a difficul …
Moed Kattan 13 The Sins of the Fathers Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 24th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses situations where if a father violated a prohibition of Chol Hamoed, and is fined by the rabbis by being forbidden to get benefit, are the sons who inherit the father also subject to that penalty? We must first ponder, why should the sons be held accountable for their father’s misdeeds? Rashi offers a simple explanation: If the father were still alive, his possessions would be subject to the penalty, and th …
Moed Kattan 12 Fear of Getting What You Want Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 23rd, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses situations where an Odom Chashuv, that is a dignified scholar, must take certain stringencies upon himself over the regular folk. Throughout Shas this term is used to signify a person of some status that confers an additional level of responsibility. There is an interesting Gemara in Kiddushin which uses the term Odom Choshuv in a different light. The Maharal uses this as a springboard for a discussion about the …
Moed Kattan 11 Torah and Science: Something Fishy is Going On Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 21st, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us: Rav said: Adda the fisherman told me that a fish that has sat for some time and is close to spoiling is at its best. Tosafos here objects, as many of us might, fish close to spoiling is dangerous to eat and far from at its best! Tosafos answers, perhaps this aspect of nature has changed, as we see that many of the medicines discussed in the Gemara are also no longer effective. The idea that certain physiological …
Moed Kattan 10 Double Trouble Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 21st, 2022

Our Gemara quotes Rav Huna, who makes an interesting curse against someone whom he saw violating chol Hamoed  רַב הוּנָא שַׁמְעֵיהּ לְהָהוּא גַּבְרָא דְּקָא מְנַקַּר רִיחְיָא בְּחוּלָּא דְמוֹעֲדָא אֲמַר מַאן הַאי אִיתַּחִיל גּוּפֵיהּ דְּקָא מַחֵיל חוּלָּא דְּמוֹעֲדָא  ⁦The Gemara relates that Rav H …
Moed Kattan 9 It’s Not About the Logic; It’s About the Feeling Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 20th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis discusses various forms of Women’s cosmetics and beauty practices both in the light of what is permitted on Chol Hamoed as well as a number of anecdotes regarding ways in which rabbi’s wives and daughters beautified themselves. It is obvious from this Gemara and its extensive details, that the rabbis were cognizant, respectful and downright supportive of the natural human patterns whereby women, single and marr …
Moed Kattan 8 Remarriage to an Ex-Spouse Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 19th, 2022

The Mishna on Amud Beis states: We do not marry a woman on the intermediate days of a Festival, not virgins and not widows, and we do not perform levirate marriage with a sister-in-law, if his brother died childless, because it is a joyous occasion for him (and we do not mix rejoicings, that is Yom Tom and Marriage; each one needs its distinct experience.) However, one may remarry his divorced wife on the intermediate days of a Festival, as this …
Moed Kattan 7 Is Your Spouse Your Best Friend? Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 18th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis discusses what in what situations a Cohen would inspect a metzora on chol Hamoed. The deciding factor is will it result in an improvement of his situation instead of a worsening. When a metzora is declared definitely afflicted with Tzoraas by the Cohen, he must leave the Jewish camp and be in isolation, however he is still permitted to engage in marital relations. Once he is declared by the Cohen that he is healed, he then …
Kattan 6 The Heart of the Matter Psychology of the Daf Yomi Moed
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 17th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph in a discussion about keeping records and histories of gravesites, said that one must ask the local elder or Talmid Chacham for information. The Gemara says we see from here that it is incumbent upon a rabbinic scholar to take responsibility for matters pertaining to the city and community. Some additional scriptural supports for this idea comes from the verses that discuss the Egla Arufa ritual performed when an unidenti …
Moed Kattan 5 Keep Our Borders Safe Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 16th, 2022

Moed Kattan 5 Our Gemara on Amud Aleph mentions the importance of maintaining safe roads so that it is done even on chol HaMoed. If it is not done and someone is injured the Gemara says that should anyone be injured as a result of negligence in this regard, it is tantamount to murder. According to Tosafos, the Gemara’s proof text is from Devarim 22:8, that requires a person to make sure their home is safe. כִּ֤י תִבְנֶה֙ בַּ …
Moed Kattan 4 Delay of Gratification Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 14th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis quotes a Mishna (Peah 7:5) that discusses a dispute between Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Meir regarding the permissibility of thinning out the vines from the part of the vineyard set aside for the poor: ⁦One who is thinning out vines, just as he may thin out in that which belongs to him, so too he may thin out in that which belongs to the poor, these are the words of Rabbi Judah. Rabbi Meir says: in that which belongs to him, …
Moed Kattan 3 Miracles Sometimes Need Consensus Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 14th, 2022

Our Gemara discusses the idea that Shemitta today is only rabbinic and not Biblically required. The source for this comes from a Gemara Arachin (32b) which rules that Yovel (and Shemitta) only apply when all the shevatim occupy Eretz Yisrael.  Although this is derived from a verse, we should reflect on what could be the reason behind this exemption. On the surface, there is value to the Shemitta and Yovel cycle so long as Jews live in Israel …
Moed Kattan 2 Baal Field Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 13th, 2022

Our Gemara discusses the difference between two kinds of fields, the Beis Hashalachim and the Beis HaBaal.  The Beis Hashalachim relies on irrigation, while the Beis HaBaal relies on rain water.  The Gemara delves into the etymology of the term Beis HaBaal and how it connotes an established field that maintains itself.  A verse is quoted in from Yeshayahu (62:5)
כִּֽי־יִבְעַ֤ל בָּחוּר֙ בְּתוּלָ֔ …
Megillah 32 Hearing Voices Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 12th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph discusses the permissibility to listen to a bas kol, a heavenly voice, and that it is not considered divination:
And Rabbi Shefatya said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: If one was deliberating about whether to do a certain action, and a Divine Voice indicated what he should do, from where is it derived that one may make use of a Divine Voice and rely upon it? As it is stated: “And your ears shall hear a word behind …
Megillah 31 Pride Drives God and People Away Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 11th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us an incredible theological idea: 
Rabbi Yoḥanan said: Wherever you find a reference in the Bible to the might of the Holy One, Blessed be He, you also find a reference to His humility adjacent to it. Evidence of this fact is written in the Torah, repeated in the Prophets, and stated a third time in the Writings.  
The Gemara goes on to quote a beautiful selection of verses that typify …
Megillah 29 Joy and Levity, not Solemnity Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 9th, 2022

Our Gemara in Amud Aleph tells us: One interrupts his Torah study to carry out the dead for burial and to escort a bride to her wedding. However, the Gemara naturally wonders how many people are required to give these events their appropriate due respect?  Should an entire Bais Medrash empty out in order to celebrate a wedding or a funeral? The Gemara qualifies this ruling: In what case is this statement said? Only where there are not suffic …
Megillah 30 Rebuke? Not So Fast Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 10th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis describes Ezra’s response to the dire spiritual situation of his time. As detailed in Ezra chapter 9, intermarriage and assimilation was rampant. The verses indicate that Ezra’s prayers began only mincha time, while earlier in the day he was involved with gathering the people together for introspection. Our Gemara uses this as a defense for the position that on a public fast day there would be no time for the r …
Megillah 28 Never go to Bed in a Fight? Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 7th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us of a pious practice of Rabbi Nehunya and Mar Zutra: ⁦Rabbi Neḥunya also said: Nor did I ever allow the resentment caused by my fellow’s curse to go up with me upon my bed. This is referring to conduct such as that of Mar Zutra. When he would go to bed at night, he would first say: I forgive anyone who has hurt me. There is a practice amongst married couples who have a rule not to go to sleep in a fight. …
Megillah 27 Names and Dignity Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 7th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis lists practices that different Rabbis attributed as the cause of their longevity, among them Rabbi Zakkai: Rabbi Zakkai was once asked by his disciples: In the merit of which virtue were you blessed with longevity? He said to them: In all my days, I never urinated within four cubits of a place that had been used for prayer. Nor did I ever call my fellow by a nickname. And I never neglected the mitzva of sanctifying the day …
Megillah 26 Holy Objectives Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 6th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis describes the difference between objects utilized FOR a mitzvah versus objects that are utilized in service of something that has an intrinsic holiness. For example, a Lulav or a Succah is an object used for a mitzvah, however a mantle for a Sefer Torah, Aron Kodesh, or a tefilin bag is an object of the holy, Tashmishe Kedusha.  That is, it serves an object that has Kedusha or holiness. The objects of the holy cannot …
Megillah 25 Control, Delete Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 5th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph quotes the famous verse in Devarim (10:12): “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you other than to fear the Lord your God” The Gemara comments: Rabbi Ḥanina said: Everything is in the hands of Heaven, except for fear of Heaven. The fact that God asks man only for one thing, to fear Him, indicates that it is the only thing that is in man’s ability to do. In other words, many of our envir …
Megillah 24 I Don’t Feel Like Thinking, But I Think Like I Feel Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 4th, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis describes the rabbinic apprehension of the Maaseh Merkava, the “Heavenly Chariot” described in Yechezkel’s vision. Though they are unable to see it with their eyes, they are able to comprehend it with their heart.  Rav Gershon Henoch Leiner (1839-1890), a third rebbe in the Ishbitzer dynasty, writes about this idea in Shaar Haemunah Veyesod Hachasidus (24). He maintains that despite that people like …
Megillah 23 It Goes Without Saying, But I’ll Say It Anyway Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 3rd, 2022

Our Gemara on Amud Beis tells us the source for the requirement of 10 men to create a minyan, which ultimately comes from the 12 Meraglim who were referred to as an עדה רעה an evil congregation. If you subtract the two virtuous spies, that being Calev and Yehoshua, you are left with ten. There is a fascinating pattern that emerges. Often significant halachos of positive and meaningful import are learned out from less than ideal circumstance …
Megillah 22 What She Says Rings True Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
January 2nd, 2022

Rashi (“Roshei Chadashim”) on this daf and other Rishonim refer to the custom that women do not work on Rosh Chodesh. The origin of this custom stems from Pirke DeRabbi Eliezer (45) which notes a discrepancy in the verses of Shemos 32:2 and 3. Aharon suggests that they take the gold earrings from their wives, children and sons but the verse reports what happened, it states only “their rings”, implying that only the men off …
Megillah 21 Wherever You Go, that’s Where I Will Be Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 31st, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us : ⁦From where is it derived that the teacher should not sit on a couch and teach his disciple while he is sitting on the ground? It is as it is stated: “But as for you, stand here with Me,” (Deuteronomy 5:26–27)  which indicates that the teacher and his disciples should be in the same position. What a wonderful source for the idea that a rebbe should also show a degree of respect for his …
Megillah 20 Affirmative Action Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 31st, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph records a dispute between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda if one can fulfill the “recitation” of Shema merely by thinking the words. Rabbi Yehuda in the name of Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah says, no, as the operative word in the Shema is, after all, to listen. Thus, one must say the words loudly enough to hear them. Rabbi Meir holds since the Shema credo indicates that “these words shall be on your heart”, …
Megillah 19 Motivations for Change Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 30th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph Mentions different parts of the Megillah that we are required to begin reciting, in order to fulfill the obligation of reading megillah:
Beginning from where must a person read the Megilla in order to fulfill his obligation? Rabbi Meir says: He must read all of it. Rabbi Yehuda says: He need read only from “There was a certain Jew” (Esther 2:5). Rabbi Yosei says: From “After these things” (Es …
Megillah 18 Praising God: How, and Why? Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 29th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph warns of using excessive praise of G-d during prayers:
⁦Rabba bar bar Ḥana said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: With regard to one who excessively declares the praises of the Holy One, Blessed be He, his fate is to be uprooted from the world, as it appears as if he had exhausted all of God’s praises. As it is stated: “Shall it be told to Him when I speak? If a man says it, he would be swallowed up” …
Megillah 17 Exile Produces Growth Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 28th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us that the events of the years of Yaakov’s life were not recorded explicitly until he arrived in Egypt. Meaning to say, by the other forefathers, their ages are noted at various life events, such as marriages or birthing children. It really is remarkable in its absence as compared to the other Avos. For example (Bereishis 25:20) tells us how old Yitschok was when he married Rivkah. Or Bereishis (21:5) tells u …
Megillah 16 Confirmation Bias Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 27th, 2021

Our Gemara tells us that how Haman reacted when Ahasuerus ordered him to fulfill his idea of the proper way to honor one who the king desires to glorify by parading him around on the king’s horse while wearing the royal garments: “And do so to Mordecai the Jew who sits at the king’s gate, let nothing fail of all that you have spoken” (Esther 6:10). The Gemara explains that when Ahasuerus said to Haman: “And do so to …
Megillah 15 Did Haman Have Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder? Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 26th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Beis, based on a verse in the Megillah, tells us that Haman felt no satisfaction in all his wealth and success so long as Mordechai remained defiant and would not bow. This is a common psychological distortion and error that people make. Despite having many successes, they can harp on one particular lacking or failure and blow it up beyond proportion. This can be done internally so as to magnify one’s failures and minimiz …
Megillah 14 Last Resort Therapy Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 24th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph observes: ⁦The verse states: “And the king removed his ring from his hand” (Esther 3:10). Rabbi Abba bar Kahana said: The removal of Ahasuerus’s ring for the sealing of Haman’s decree was more effective than the forty-eight prophets and the seven prophetesses who prophesied on behalf of the Jewish people. As, they were all unable to return the Jewish people to the right way, but the removal of Ah …
Megillah 13 Mindfulness and Consequences Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 24th, 2021

  Our Gemara on Amud Beis tells us the familiar story of how Rachel and Yaakov planned to prevent him from being swindled by Lavan. They anticipated that Lavan would force Rachel to secretly let him switch her for Leah at the wedding, so they had secret signs. But, as with many plans, it didn’t quite go as they imagined. At the last minute, Rachel had a change of heart and couldn’t allow her sister to be publicly humiliated and r …
Megillah 12 They Deserve Each Other Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 23rd, 2021

Our Gemara on the bottom of Amud Aleph through Beis uses an interesting phrase to tell us that neither Acheshveurosh, nor Vashti, were innocent. In other words, they deserved each other. The phrase is: אִיהוּ בְּקָרֵי וְאִתְּתֵיהּ בְּבוּצִינֵי Which roughly translates as he is with pumpkins and she is with zucchini. The Gemara quotes it as a common saying amongst people. What does that phrase really mean, not …
Megillah 11 Satan Laughing with Delight Psychology &amp; the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 22nd, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Beis uses an evocative phrase, “the Satan danced between them.” In our Gemara it is used to refer to what transpired subsequent to Achashveirosh assuming the Jewish prophecy of return had not been fulfilled. He celebrated and used the utensils from the Beis Hamikdash. The Gemara tells us, Satan came and danced between them, and vashti was killed. It is an interesting choice of words, “Satan danced”. It c …
Megillah 10 Veiled Interpretations Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 21st, 2021

  Our Gemara on Amud Beis tells us a clever derash on the verse that describes Yehuda meeting up with the Zonah, who actually was Tamar in disguise. Tamar still wanted to bear children for Yehuda’s family line, and since Yehuda was delaying offering a levirate marriage with Shelah, she took matters into her own hands. The verse (Bereishis 38:15) states: וַיִּרְאֶ֣הָ יְהוּדָ֔ה וַֽיַּחְשְׁבֶ֖הָ לְז …
Megillah 9 Easy Does It Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 20th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Beis tells uses an oft quoted principle, מַעֲלִין בַּקּוֹדֶשׁ וְלֹא מוֹרִידִין One elevates to a higher level in matters of sanctity and one does not downgrade. Today I will share with you a unique application of this principle, as described by Sefer HaYashar. Since he will be saying quite a chiddush, it’s worth taking a moment to discuss Sefer HaYashar’s provenance. Although there …
Megillah 8 The Torah is Open Source Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 19th, 2021

Our Mishna on Amud Beis tells us that Sifrei Torah, theoretically, can be written in any language. Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel disagreed, and only allowed Sifrei Torah to be written in Greek, and of course Hebrew. He granted a special status to the Greek language on account of the verse (Bereishis 9:27), which implies a special affinity between the Greek nation and the Jewish nation: יַ֤פְתְּ אֱלֹקים֙ לְיֶ֔פֶת וְיִשְׁ …
Megillah 7 Healthy Narcissism Psychology of the Daf Yomi
Author: Rabbi Simcha Feuerman, DHL, LCSW-R
December 17th, 2021

Our Gemara on Amud Aleph tells us that Esther requested of the Sages, that the Holiday of Purim be established for posterity. Rashi here adds: “For a holiday, and to read the Megilla to be a remembrance of my name.” One might ask, what is legitimate about the second part of her request? Isn’t it self-aggrandizing? Part of me thinks, Esther was doomed in a marriage to a Gentile, and she realized that as a Jew, she may be complete …
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