NEFESH: The International Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals
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Who's In Control?
Author: Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Schiffman
November 28th, 2020

Do you believe that the happenings of your life are determined by external factors or by your own efforts?  In the 1950’s psychologist Julian Rotter began exploring how people related to such questions and developed a construct called locus of control.  People who endorse an internal locus of control believe the events of their lives are generally determined by their own abilities and actions, while those with an external locus of …
Tags: psychology, Torah, Control, Yaakov, Bereishit, Parsha
Korbon Copy
Author: Yehuda Krohn, Psy.D.
June 27th, 2017

    Around this time of year, we read the Torah portion of “Chukas” and are shown two contrasting models of parenting.    We encounter the first model, when the Torah relates the narrative of Aharon’s death.  Moshe is commanded “קח/take” Aharon and his son, Elazar, to a secluded mountain spot. Moshe is told to remove Aharon’s special garments and dress Elazar with those selfsame garme …
Tags: Torah, Parenting, Aharon, Parah Adumah
Beyond earshot
Author: Yehuda Krohn, Psy.D.
November 13th, 2016

Let's study some Torah verses that are read right around this time of year.  We would be doing so, with an eye for uncovering the nuggets of wisdom – psychological or otherwise – that lie immediately beneath the surface of the text.    Avraham has just sent away, Yishma’el, his eldest son.  Sarah had ordered that he be driven away and G-d had endorsed the plan.  Hagar, Yishmael’s mother leaves with …
Tags: Torah, Abandonment, Repetition compulsion
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